GEOHIDROTERV Ltd. established in 1990 is a company employing over 15 people, operating with up to par instruments, computer support systems, field sampling, analytic and geodesic equipment, as well as ground drills and various damage control devices, and technologies.
Thanks to our expert, engineer and design team and its exceptional professional background and experience in national and international comparison both, in the last few years the presence of our company in national environmental, damage control and waste management assignments became even more extensive.
Due to the dynamic development of our company we considerably transcended our past selves, since the 1992 company barely reaching a hundred million turnover grew into a multibillion company.
The company went through numerous owner transitions until there came a notable turn of events with the management change of 2011. This alteration resulted not only in the increase of turnover, strengthening of financial background and emergence of a new corporate culture, but also in appearance of new business branches, expansion over the borders to new markets and the handling of new investment portfolios through acquisitions.
All the above advantageous changes lead to a clear owner structure of the company and the group. In 2015 the whole company group changed to Hungarian one ownership.
There are more than 10 graduates (architectural engineers; mining engineers; geologists; environmental consulting engineers; hydrogeology engineers) employed by GEOHIDROTERV Ltd., who in the last decades progressively specialized in solving complex environmental protection, engineer geology, water management, water construction, and hydraulic engineering tasks.
Our group of companies dedicates great attention to continual, innovative and sustainable development, which is supported by constant up to par training and education of our employees, by research experimental and development programs, not to mention the annual introduction of new technologies.
Our main business branch is environmental technology.