The management of GEOHIDROTERV Ltd. is dedicated to quality, environmental protection and safety at workplace. Each of our decisions is interlaced with elevated importance of quality, environmental and safety aspects, we take an active role in maintenance and improvement of the Environmental management system.

All activities of our company centers around the Client. Our primary goal is to fully satisfy all needs of our Clients, in excellent quality – while meeting legal and administrative, as well as standard specification requirements concerning quality, environmental and work safety. In order to achieve this our company operates a corporate management system sufficient in securing the undisputable quality of the company’s products (plans, impact assessments, expert reports, implemented establishments, etc.), the minimalizing or prevention of pollutants emitted into the environment, as well as the continual development of the corporate management system.

In order to maintain and improve the high quality of its services, GEOHIDROTERV Ltd. expanded its quality control systems that was in effect since 1998 and was authenticated as per ISO 9001:2009 and MSZ EN ISO/IEC 170252005 first in 2007 with the establishment and introduction of an environmental management system based on ISO 14001:2005, then in 2008 with Occupational Health&Safety Management based OHSAS 18001:2007. This resulted in an integrated quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management system, the effectiveness thereof confirmed by the independent audit performed by INTERCERT Ltd’s. The established system ensures our dedication to quality, environmental protection and occupational safety, while also providing a possibility for improvement, development, and increase of the company’s effectiveness.

Beyond the accredited management system, we possess a GEOMONITORING geophysical monitoring and control system – verified and authorized by VITUKI Kht. The system is mainly used for monitoring plastic plate insulation of waste disposal establishments but comes in handy when monitoring the foils used for insulation of earthworks, dams, channels, and reservoirs.

The measuring method of the applied system is based on the isolation foils or plates being electronic insulation materials, preventing thus the current between the materials over the foils and the environment under it.
Via the procedure the defects from production or installation (holes, cracks, seam defects) can be found and localized.

The system consists of three main parts:
•    sensor system
•    geoelectric and geophysical methods and instruments
•    computer processing, analytical and display programs



Quality management

ISO 9001:2015

Planning, expert consulting, main contracting, execution in professional fields of environmental protection, environmental  sampling, water management,  geoengineering and waste management.

Environment based management

ISO 14001:2015

Planning, expert consulting, main contracting, execution in professional fields of environmental protection, environmental  sampling, water management,  geoengineering and waste management.

Occupational Health&Safety Management

ISO 45001:2018

Planning, expert consulting, main contracting, execution in professional fields of environmental protection, environmental  sampling, water management,  geoengineering and waste management.


Accreditation certificate
